Mexican Supreme Court Decriminalizes Abortion Across the Country

Mexico abortion decriminilize

World Desk, Delhi Magazine: Mexico’s Supreme Court decriminalized abortion throughout the country, taking a new step in the efforts that several Latin American countries have undertaken to lighten legislation on this issue.

It is the culmination of a process that began two years ago, when this same court decided to decriminalize the voluntary interruption of pregnancy in a state in the north of the country.

Now, and after, last week, the state of Aguascalientes became the 12th to make this decision, the court gave the ‘final axe’ on the matter, unanimously. 15 years ago, however, this procedure was decriminalized in Mexico City.

Mexico thus joins the list of Latin American countries that have decided to decriminalize the voluntary termination of pregnancy, which also includes Argentina, which legalized the procedure in 2020, and Colombia, which, in 2022, no longer consider it a crime.

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