Tomorrow, a cycle rally will be organized in Rohtak to commemorate International Day of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

Cycle rally in rohtak, balbhawan

Country Desk, Delhi – Magazine: A cycle rally will be organized by Bal Bhawan Rohtak on Tommrrow  (26 June). this cycle rally will be organized to commemorate 50 years of Bal Bhavan Haryana and on the occasion of International Drug Abuse and Illegal Trafficking Day. Well-known cycle clubs of Rohtak are also participating in this rally.

Cycle rally in rohtak, balbhawanIn the general sense, drugs refer to those chemical substances which, when taken, cause its chemical reaction on the brain and affect the normal functioning of the body and mind. Although the general meaning of drugs is medicine or drug, but in the social sciences the term is used for those substances, the consumption of which is considered illegal. When a person’s physical and mental activities start to have a harmful effect due to repeated consumption of these substances in excess, then this condition is called ‘drug abuse’ or ‘drug addiction’. The irony is that a person who reaches this stage is often unable to live a normal life. He destroys himself on physical, mental and financial levels. It is such a blind tunnel that leads to the mouth of ruin.

This rally will starts from Bhal Bhawan premises at 7:30 am in the morning. Refreshments will also be arranged for the participants.

Delhi Magazine Team

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