Spain’s Favorite Supermarkets: Esclat and BonPreu Lead the List

Spain super market top list

Business Desk, Delhi Magazine: The Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU) has surveyed nearly 4,900 consumers to determine Spain’s favorite supermarkets. The study assessed 46 supermarkets and hypermarkets based on customer satisfaction. Factors such as proximity, accessibility, variety, brand availability, product quality, and promotions played a key role in the rankings.

Esclat and BonPreu Take the Top Spots

Regional chains Esclat and BonPreu, both part of the BonPreu Group in Catalonia, received the highest ratings from consumers. Among national chains, El Corte Inglés, Hipercor, and Aldi ranked the highest.

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Surprisingly, well-known chains like Mercadona, Lidl, Carrefour, and Alcampo did not secure top positions. Instead, they ranked in the middle or lower end of the list. Carrefour Express received the lowest rating, followed by Dia, Spar, Condis, and Eroski City.

What Matters Most to Consumers?

Shoppers prioritize food quality, product variety, and affordable prices when selecting a supermarket. Many also consider store location, ease of access, and customer service.

Other Notable Rankings

Apart from the top-rated stores, Familia, Ametller Origen, and Family Cash also performed well in the survey.

This ranking provides insight into where Spaniards prefer to shop and what factors influence their choices. As shopping habits continue to evolve, supermarkets will need to focus on quality, variety, and affordability to remain competitive.

Delhi Magazine earlier wrote about : El Diablo Restaurant in Spain Cooks Its Dishes With the Heat of a Volcano.


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