Lucknow Desk, August 14, 2024: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has voiced strong criticism against what he described as the “so-called secularists” of India and the world, accusing them of remaining silent on the plight of Hindus in Bangladesh. Speaking at an event commemorating ‘Partition Horror Memorial Day’ at Lok Bhawan on Wednesday, CM Yogi claimed that 1.5 crore Hindus in Bangladesh are currently struggling to preserve their identity, but those who champion secularism are ignoring their cries for help due to concerns over their vote bank.
During the event, which featured a short film highlighting the pain endured by people during the Partition, CM Yogi underscored the importance of recognizing and rectifying historical wrongs. He expressed gratitude towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi for shedding light on the darker chapters of India’s history and initiating steps towards correcting past mistakes.
Criticism of Post-Independence Politics
CM Yogi accused the so-called secularists of perpetuating the politics of “divide and rule” post-independence. He alleged that these groups, who inherited power from the British, failed to truly represent Indian interests and instead continued to govern with a colonial mindset. According to CM Yogi, this approach led to the tragic Partition of India, which he described as an enduring wound that continues to afflict the nation in the form of terrorism, extremism, and separatism.
He further argued that had the political leadership at the time demonstrated greater resolve, the Partition could have been prevented, thus sparing India the trauma and turmoil that followed.
Call for Unity and Vigilance
Emphasizing the need for unity, CM Yogi called on citizens to rise above divisions of caste, region, and language and work towards building a united and prosperous India. He warned against forces that seek to divide the nation and urged people to focus on the vision of “One India, Great India.”
Silent Padyatra for Partition Horror Memorial
Earlier in the day, CM Yogi led a ‘Partition Horror Memorial Silent Padyatra’ in Lucknow to commemorate the day. The padyatra began at the statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, where CM Yogi paid floral tributes, and concluded at Lok Bhawan. Upon reaching Lok Bhawan, he observed an exhibition displaying records of the horrors of Partition.
The event was part of a broader effort to remember and honor those who suffered during the Partition, as well as to ensure that the lessons of history are not forgotten.