US President gives nod to transfer of power, Biden will now be able to get intelligence

20 days after the election results were announced, US President Donald Trump is ready for a power transfer. However, he has neither formally conceded defeat nor congratulated President Elect Joe Biden on the victory. However, being prepared for the transfer of power means that Trump will now have to leave the White House. The results of the presidential election in the US came on 3 November. After this, Trump is trying to stay in the White House through legal lines.

The transfer of powers has begun in the United States. Joe Biden will be able to start carrying out the necessary operations to assume the presidency on January 20. This is made clear by a letter from the General Services Administration (GSA ) sent to the Biden campaign in which it is informed that the bureaucratic and administrative process for the transfer of powers is beginning.

The Presidential Transition Law establishes that, once the GSA has “ratified” the election results, it must initiate the process for an orderly transfer of powers. For this, it has a budget of 9.9 million dollars (8.4 million euros) that it must make available to the Biden campaign, to which it must also provide passwords for computer systems, allow entry into buildings, and give office space. Until now, the GSA, in an unprecedented decision, had refused to carry out these measures. In the United States, it is assumed that a candidate has won the elections when the three survey companies used by the media consider him the winner. That happened on Saturday, November 7.

To date, the Donald Trump campaign has presented 22 legal appeals against the electoral results, of which 21 have been rejected by Justice. On Monday, the president’s lawyers raised one more appeal in Pennsylvania, which also seems to have no chance of succeeding. The head of Trump’s legal team, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, charges $ 20,000 a day (17,000 euros) for his services.

Trump’s team has also forced recounts in the states of Wisconsin and Georgia, where it has lost. In Georgia, the new vote has confirmed Biden’s victory, to which the president’s campaign has responded by calling for a second recount, which began yesterday. In Wisconsin, Trump’s team is raising so much trouble in the count that the count is likely to drag on for several more days.

General Administration becomes active
The transfer of power in the US is the responsibility of the Federal Agency General Services Administration (GSA). According to a CNN report, on Monday night, Trump ordered the GSA’s Head of the Department Emily Murphy to begin the transition. However, Trump also made it clear that he would continue his war against the rigging in the election and counting.

Murphy applauds
Trump said – I congratulate Emily Murphy and her team for their successful efforts and dedication for the country. She was mistreated. I do not want this to continue anymore. We are not going to back down from our war. We will continue it firmly. Hopefully one day the truth will come out and it will win.

Do what is necessary
Indicating leaving the White House, Trump said – do what is necessary in the interest of the country. I have told Murphy and her team to go ahead and follow the rules that are set. I have also told my team to help GSA.

After this Murphy said- We know what the rules are and how we have to proceed by following them. There was no pressure on me. According to the tradition, we will work accordingly.

What does it mean
The GSA has told the Biden team that the Trump administration has agreed to a power transition. Now Biden and his team will get all the necessary information. Trump’s team will not be an obstacle as before. It also meant that the Chief of Intelligence Agencies would be able to give direct information on sensitive matters to Biden. It was being stopped earlier. White House officials will be able to meet Biden’s team.

Delhi Magazine Team

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