Wisconsin Lowers the Boom
President Donald Trump saw his election lawsuit filed with the Wisconsin State Supreme Court tossed by a vote of 4-3 which means the president would now have to pursue a legal remedy at a lower court. In the state’s general election, Trump lost to his rival, Joe Biden, by almost 21,000 votes and his attorneys were trying to have the certification revoked.
Justice Brian Hagedorn was the only conservative to agree with the three liberal justices and stated, “We do well as a judicial body to abide by time-tested judicial norms, even — and maybe especially — in high-profile cases,” he wrote. “Following the law governing challenges to election results is no threat to the rule of law.”
But it was a razor-thin margin that dimmed nearly all hopes of Trump overturning the electoral returns in Wisconsin. Justice Rebecca Bradley believed the state’s highest court should have heard oral arguments from the Trump team of lawyers and stated, “The majority’s failure to act leaves an indelible stain on our most recent election,” she wrote in a dissent that was joined by the other two dissenting voices, Chief Justice Patience Roggensack and Justice Annette Ziegler.
Chief Justice Roggensack wrote Trump’s case deserved to be heard and stated, “there are significant time constraints that may preclude our deciding significant legal issues that cry out for resolution by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”
Trump Remains Defiant
The president sat down with Fox Business host, Maria Bartiromo, recently and insisted there is voter fraud that is being ignored by the mainstream media and it will be a travesty of justice if his objections are not heard.
“The media doesn’t want to cover it,” he said. “You’re (Fox Business) actually very brave. The media doesn’t want to talk about it. They know how fraudulent this is.”
“We don’t have freedom of the press in this country,” he said. “We have suppression by the press. They suppress. You can’t have a scandal if nobody reports about it. This is the greatest fraud in the history of our country from an electoral standpoint. What’s bigger from an electoral standpoint? What’s bigger than this? This is the essence of our country. This is the whole ballgame, and they cheated.”
However, one of Trump’s most respected and high-profile allies, Attorney General, William Barr, did an about-face much to the president’s chagrin. Barr stated to the AP that although there have been specific complaints and various facets of information which have been followed up by his team U.S. attorneys and FBI agents, “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”
And believe it or not, the presidential election was a hot betting topic and there are online bookmakers paying out bettors who backed Biden despite the results still being contested. One major book stated through its communications director, “After CNN projected the state of Michigan would go to the Democrats and holding the ascendancy in Nevada and Arizona, the online bookmaker has deemed the lead unassailable. We have supreme confidence that Biden will end up in the Oval Office.”
President-elect Joe Biden’s margin over President Trump in the nationwide popular vote is now more than 7 million votes and may continue to grow as several states continue counting votes https://t.co/CjbpSYkvnP
— CNN (@CNN) December 4, 2020
Biden himself has come out and argued that the process must see its way through, “Each ballot must be counted, and that’s what we’re going to see. Senator [Kamala Harris] and I continue to feel very good about where things stand. We have no doubt that when the count is finished, Senator Harris and I will be declared the winners.”
But Trump refuses to bow, despite the long odds and growing number of supporters who have thrown the towel in on him making a Lazarus-like comeback.
Trump stated, “In Michigan, a career employee of the city of Detroit witnessed city workers coaching voters to vote straight Democrat. … The same worker says she was instructed not to ask for any ID and not to attempt to validate any signatures. She was also told to illegally back-date ballots many, many ballots received after the deadline.”
But much of this evidence appears to be anecdotal in nature and unless there is direct evidence of voter fraud or illegal ballots being cast, it appears as though Donald J. Trump will return to civilian life even if he continues to remain far from civil regarding the election process.