Country Desk, Delhi Magazine: One more complaint has been filed in Vadodara in the same week after the Love Jihad Act came into force in the state. After getting a registered marriage with a Hindu girl in Vadodara, the husband has forcibly converted to religion after bringing him home. The victim’s husband, father-in-law and brother-in-law have lodged a complaint with Fateganj police station for harassing the girl for following Muslim religion. The police arrested the three within a few hours and started further investigation.
According to the complaint lodged at Fateganj police station, ACP Paresh Bhesani told that Hindu girl Kajal (name changed) had come to Juna Chhani Jakatnaka to start married life at the house of her lover Mohib Imtiaz Khan Pathan in the year 2020. Kajal has alleged in the police complaint that husband Mohib Pathan had told before marriage that after marriage she could follow the Hindu religion according to her own accord, for which she would have no objection.
Brother-in-law also used to molest
Kajal-turned-Mahira has alleged that she went to her in-laws’ house with photos of Hindu deities, which were thrown away by her husband and forced to convert to Muslim religion and changed her name to Mahira. Apart from this, in the absence of her husband, her brother-in-law Mohsin Khan Pathan used to molest her.
Mahira has also alleged that she was thrashed by her husband and brother-in-law for demanding delivery expenses while pregnant. After the complaint, the police registered a case under all the sections of the Gujarat Freedom of Religion Act and arrested the victim’s husband Mohib Pathan, father-in-law Imtiaz Pathan and brother-in-law Mohsin Khan Pathan.
The first case of love jihad has already been registered in Vadodara
The first case has been registered at Vadodara’s Gotri police station on June 18, three days after the state government implemented the Freedom of Religion Reform Act in Gujarat. Muslim youth Samir Abdul Qureshi was forced to have a relationship with a Hindu girl after making friends by pretending to be a Christian, and the girl was converted to religion. After this, the matter reached the police station after beating him and abusing him about caste. Police has arrested the accused and started further action.