Russia responded to Kiev for Kidnapping Soviet designer Sergei Korolev. In the official Twitter account of Ukraine, in response to Russian tweets about the designer’s birthday, a post appeared: “Attention, theft! The genius of rocket and space technology Sergei Korolev, who called himself Ukrainian, was born: Zhitomir; grew up: Nizhyn, Kiev; studied: Odessa, Kiev “. “He worked, then was arrested, tortured and imprisoned for six years: Moscow, Kolyma, Kazan.”
Russia joked about the claims. A GIF image with the Soviet cartoon “Once upon a time there was a dog …” based on a Ukrainian folk tale has appeared on Russia’s Twitter account. The message states: “Is it true” Attention, theft “or Ukraine began to value the Soviet legacy? This GIF is taken from the Moscow cartoon of 1982. ”
Earlier, Elon Musk fell under the distribution of Ukrainians .
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