Need to Move from Heart Illness to Heart Wellness via Preventive Cardiology: Expert

heart well ness

Health Desk, Delhi – Magazine: As many as 68 per cent of senior HR leaders believe that employee well-being and mental health should be among the top priorities for a company, says The Future Workplace 2021 HR Sentiment survey.

heart well ness

However, despite the best of intentions, HR leaders and Managers are very often stuck by practical difficulties when it comes to the implementation of corporate wellness programmes.

To bring to discussion all these aspects around corporate wellness and how HR leaders can implement wellness policies that are both practical and effective, the HR Leaders Virtual Summit was organised by Observe Now Media Group wherein India Health Link (IHL) and HEAL Health were Corporate Wellness Partner and Healthcare Ecosystem Partner respectively.

Speaking on the current trends of declining health among the working population, Dr HK Chopra, Preventive Cardiologist, President, Cardiological Society of India, said, “Today, we see a lot of young people falling prey to heart attacks. About 33 per cent of individuals below the age of 50 years face a massive heart attack. One of the major reasons for heart attacks is stress.

There is a strong connection between the heart and the mind, and most heart attacks take place due to the fear and psychology of an individual. Cumulative stress may cause the rupture of plaque in the arteries and precipitate a painful heart attack. Hence, there is an urgent need to move from heart illness towards heart wellness and that can only be achieved through predictive and preventive cardiology.”

Deliberating on potential strategies to spread healthcare awareness among employees, Dr Satyender Goel, Founder and CEO, India Health Link, said, “Currently, there is a dearth of education and awareness in the field of healthcare concerning diagnosis as well as the accessibility to remedial measures. However, technology is not the barrier here, what is lacking is the prioritisation of health over other developmental factors. Therefore, we have built everything in one app, wherein, we have integrated the whole process, right from diagnosis to treatment, along with real-time test parameters to monitor the impact of those health measures.”

Delhi Magazine Team

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