Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome (Large Vagina Syndrome)

Veginal relaxation syndrome

Health Desk, Delhi – Magazine: After the first birth, many women note that their vagina has become wider than it was before the birth of the child, that air began to get into the vagina during sports, squatting, that during intimate contacts the previous sensitivity and fullness of sensations that were before childbirth disappeared. Vaginal relaxation syndrome is a loss of tone and their initial elasticity by the walls of the vagina, an increase in the volume of the vagina. Vaginal relaxation syndrome is a term used in European countries. In many countries it is also known as Large Vagina syndrom.

Previously, both women and doctors did not know how to designate this condition, and how to effectively deal with it. After all, there is still no prolapse of the walls of the vagina and prolapse of the uterus, but intimate sensations and the state of the vagina have become different from what they were before childbirth. Moreover, those women who have more than 2 and 3 children note that with each new birth, this problem is aggravated and signs of prolapse of the pelvic organs gradually appear, there is a loss of urine when playing sports, lifting a child in her arms and other physical load.

Distended vagina syndrome is a new term used in aesthetic gynecology, with the help of which we were able to identify an existing problem. And if there are problems, then an effective solution can be found to eliminate it!


• Pain and discomfort during intercourse
• Abnormal sounds caused by air entering the vagina
• Deterioration of the quality of intimate life
• Violation of urination
• Constipation or incontinence


Among the most common reasons for this phenomenon are:
• Age
• Decreased hormone levels
• Injury, including during childbirth.
• Changes in the muscles of the pelvic floor

After childbirth, recovery takes about 4-6 weeks, but often this is not enough to return to its previous state, and sometimes a woman does not recover at all after childbirth.

Treatment methods

1. Conservative therapy is less effective than surgical intervention. Physiotherapy is used and the doctor may prescribe female sex hormones.

2. Physiotherapy exercises – patients are prescribed gymnastics according to Kegel, Yunusov to restore the muscles of the pelvic floor, or electrical muscle stimulation is prescribed.

3. Surgical method – provides a faster and more long-term result, but there are complications: sexual dysfunction, stenosis of the vagina and urethra, neuritis of the blocking nerve.

4. Laser method. Erbium laser – does not damage the tissue surface, but performs deep heating, which triggers collagen recovery and the regeneration of new collagen. The tissues become firm and elastic and are saturated with oxygen. You will be able to noticeably feel the tone of the pelvic floor muscles.

Due to which the tissue becomes elastic, and the atony of the vagina is reduced. During the laser procedure, the tissue is reduced by 2/3, as the intermolecular cross-links of the collagen triple helix are shortened. As a result, the tissue shrinks, shrinks and thickens.

Delhi Magazine Team

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