Russian Olympic Champion Yana Yegoryan Returned Her Apartment After Dismissal

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Sports- News, Delhi- Magazine: An unpleasant story has happened and has already been resolved in Russian fencing. Yana Yegoryan, two-time Olympic champion in 2016, announced that she was fired from the CSP of the Moscow region, despite being on maternity leave.

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The athlete also complained about problems with the housing issue: the authorities of the Moscow region promised her an apartment for winning the Olympics in Brazil, but since then there has been no news on this topic.

Now Yegoryan announced that her resonant post on social networks had an effect, and the leaders of the region’s sports training center restored the athlete.

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The heroine of Rio 2016 was fired while she was on maternity leave. They also left without an apartment. Do we have any justice at all?
There was a scandal in Russian fencing. Two-time Olympic champion Yana Yegoryan was thrown out of her job at the Olympic Sports Training Center in the Moscow Region. The athlete recorded an angry video in which she briefly told what exactly happened. “Thrown away like an unnecessary dog!” – Yana summed up.

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According to the athlete, the director of the CSP of the Moscow Region, Denis Valentinovich Zuev, dismissed her, saying that the CSP did not need her. Yegoryan noted that her absence from the Russian championship became an argument.

yana yegoryan with her child

“At that time I was pregnant, I left to give birth to a child. I did not tell everyone cao-cocoa and did not fly away to rest in the Maldives. I became a mother, therefore I did not participate in the Russian championship,” said the athlete. then I would not refuse to do it. ”


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