NCR Desk, Delhi Magazine: Whilst our common understanding of mental illness relates to issues like dementia, schizophrenia, suicidal tendencies, etc., in reality, any issue bothering you psychologically – fears, anxiety, unwanted negative thoughts, indecision, addictions, anger, procrastination, bad habits, inability to focus on achieving goals and much more, qualify a visit to a qualified coach who can help you out of this before it gets more severe and affects your business, career or relationships.
In an Interview with Amitkumar Pathak, Licensed NLP Trainer | Hypnotherapist | Personal Success Coach | Motivational Speaker | Author and Founder of Changeowrx NLP, The Delhi magazine explores more on the benefits of NLP and how Amit’s organization is helping people cope up with mental well-being in today’s stressful environment.
Every year countless families suffer silently the burden of emotional and mental stress watching their near ones going through longdrawn, ineffective psychotherapy treatments leaving them much akin once-beautiful car rebuilt after a crash.
In 2015 Changeworx Consulting for formed with a vision of assisting people in leading purposeful, positive life and achieve their goals. The idea was to steer away from conventional, cumbersome, time-consuming counselling systems and use something radically different, more effective and fast.
Changeworx uses unorthodox approaches such as the power of modern remedial sciences like Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP) to deal with any small to major mental and emotional issue a person is going through.
So what is NLP exactly and what are its uses?
NLP, an incredibly effective remedial intervention science, can resolve practically every kind of psychological issue people come across. One reason why NLP scores over traditional counselling methods, is its ability to generate long-lasting results even without requiring Clients to share their content with the therapist. While this gives the Client a choice whether or not to discuss their core issue, it also makes the sessions compact and more importantly, extends NLP usage to non-therapy spheres such as Business, Education and Sports. NLP operates with the philosophy that our situations affect us not because of what happened outside but how our mind processes those events inside.
Learning NLP will take you into an empowering mental state, inculcate positive habits and read people accurately and build rapport to get better results. Become a brilliant version of yourself.
How did you come to know of NLP?
20 years back, whilst working in a corporate Sales role, I accidentally got introduced to NLP’s rapport building techniques. The method made it extremely easy to bond with anyone and get results. This fascination drew me deeper into learning this science and took me to a point where I began to design my own performance improvement systems. To date, I have assisted people from almost 18 countries in transforming into a better version of themselves.
Who all can learn NLP and why?
People with no psychology background can also learn NLP from a licensed NLP Trainer with a strong practical coaching and therapy experience. If you are going through issues such as, emotional trauma, anxiety, fears, undesired habits, addictions, depression, bad memories, relationship challenges, education or career performance issues… you will definitely benefit from NLP’s powerful techniques. The results will show immediately after the first session itself.
Besides resolving such issues, NLP teaches techniques that help boost your personal productivity in every aspect of life, helping you achieve bigger goals faster.
How can one learn NLP and use it?
Most reputed and experienced NLP trainers conduct multi-level courses with increasing depth and breadth of the syllabus. Whilst professional coaches and counsellors go upto Master Practitioner, you can start with a Basic course and then progress to the NLP Practitioner course. Experiencing each level will generate strong personal changes and also teach you methods to influence others and excel in your life. Whilst most trainers meticulously follow a process of theory, practical demonstrations and practice activities, care should be taken to check the trainer’s credentials and experience.
What is unique about Changeworx that sets you apart?
Changeworx is one of the only few officially authorized Licensed NLP Training institutes in India. Being accredited to the International Society of NLP, our courses are endorsed and approved by the co-creator of NLP, Dr Richard Bandler himself. Amit Pathak has been personally endorsed by Dr Bandler, a rare gesture from the inventor of this science.
1 Comment
Amit is doing a great job with his NLP expertise. He has influenced quite a many and looks promising too.