India Desk, Delhi Magazine: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said after the successful launch of Chandrayaan-3 that it is a new chapter in India’s space journey. He described this achievement as proof of tireless dedication of the scientists. In a tweet soon after the launch of the vehicle, Modi said, “Chandrayaan-3 has written a new chapter in India’s space journey. It soars high lifting the dreams and ambitions of every Indian. This significant achievement is a testimony to the tireless dedication of our scientists. I salute their spirit and ingenuity!
Chandrayaan-3 scripts a new chapter in India’s space odyssey. It soars high, elevating the dreams and ambitions of every Indian. This momentous achievement is a testament to our scientists’ relentless dedication. I salute their spirit and ingenuity!
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) July 14, 2023
Whereas, ISRO chief S. Somnath said that Chandrayaan-3 has started its journey towards the Moon. Our LVM3 has already precisely placed Chandrayaan-3 around the Earth…
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We wish Chandrayaan-3 all the very best for its successful journey towards the Moon in the days to come.