“Beauty Combined With Education”. Reactions to Mariana Monteiro’s performance

Mariana Monteiro

International Desk, Delhi- Magazine: This Saturday, the actress Mariana Monteiro was conducting ‘Somos em Casa’ and the audience applauded her performance.

Mariana MonteiroMariana MonteiroMariana Monteiro took over the running of the “Somos em Casa” program, from SIC, and surprised the audience with her talent in the presentation.

During the broadcast, several viewers rushed to the station’s social networks to give generous praise to the actress from ‘Terra Brava’.

“Beauty combined with good education. Relevant and relevant themes … knowing how to be is fundamental. Congratulations, Mariana Monteiro, and happiness”, praised a follower.

“She knows how to be, she is calm and smiling. There were some presenters who forgot that they were presenting and were too excited,” wrote another.

“Very good indeed! Another talent in addition to being a fantastic actress,” said another viewer.

Is Mariana Monteiro one of Daniel Oliveira’s future bets in the presentation of SIC?

Delhi Magazine Team

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