Coronavirus self assessment APOLLO test question No.1
How old are you?
Answer: Fill Your Age
coronavirus self assessment APOLLO test Question No. 2
Please select your gender:
Options: 1. Male 2. Female 3. Others
coronavirus self assessment APOLLO test Question No. 3
Please let us know your current body temperature in degree Fahrenheit (Normal body temperature is 98.6°F):
Options: 1. Normal (96°F-98.6°F) 2. Fever (98.6°F-102°F) 3. High Fever (>102°F) 4. Don’t know
coronavirus self assessment APOLLO test Question No. 4
Are you experiencing any of the symptoms below (mark all those applicable)?
Options: 1. Dry Cough 2. Sneezing 3. Sore Throat 4. Weakness 5. None of these.
Coronavirus self assessment APOLLO test Question No.5
Additionally, please verify if you are experiencing any of the symptoms below (mark all those applicable)?
Options: 1. Moderate to Severe Cough 2. Feeling Breathless
3. Difficulty in Breathing 4. Drowsiness 5. Persistent Pain and Pressure in Chest 6. Severe Weakness
Corona-virus self assessment APOLLO test Question No. 6
Please select your travel and exposure details
Options: 1. No Travel History 2. No contact with anyone with Symptoms 3. History of travel or meeting in affected geographical area in last 14 days 4. Close Contact with confirmed COVID in last 14 days
Corona-virus self assessment APOLLO test Question No. 7
Do you have a history of any of these conditions (mark all those applicable)
Options: 1. Diabetes 2. High Blood Pressure 3. Heart Disease 4. Kidney Disease 4. Lung disease 5. Stroke 5. Reduced Immunity 6. None of these
According to these Symtomps, Your health advisor can suggest you to go for isolation at home or Corona test in your nearby Health Centre.
Please stay safe and and obey social distancing. Today, Indian Prime Minister also requested in his speech for Social Distancing to save your self from Corona virus.
1 Comment
Dry Cough , Sneezing are the basic symptoms i feel