Table of Contents
People are now frequently using PDF files for many generations. And as a result, there are already a decent number of issues. Hence, if you’re one of those persons who can’t get a PDF file to open, this is a bang for you! This article will teach you all of the actions you need to do as well as some easy, time-saving strategies.
PDFBear understands the value of time and effort, which is why they created a feature dedicated to it. In addition, the capability of their tools makes their services and features faster and more reliable than other online platforms. Each and every process being made with PDFBear ensures its users that it will not take much of their time because their services and features only take a few minutes or two.
In addition, the characteristics mentioned above are the ones being developed through time by this amazing platform. Indeed this is the web-based application you want to be partnered with if you’re in a hurry but need to deal with a specific PDF problem. So continue scrolling down below and learn how PDFBear can help you in all ways.
Converting PDF files To Excel
With the PDF to Excel converter of PDFBear, you can efficiently and simply create spreadsheets from PDF files. You can now say farewells to time-consuming data input procedures like entering figures and structuring columns, rows, and cells. In addition, PDFBear’s PDF to Excel converter can handle it all without the use of any software installation, which consumes your time and lets you spend money just to use their features and services.
Converting your files has never been simpler. First, pick and choose the file that you wish to convert. Then, drop the said file into the conversion area, clearly indicated on the PDFBear website. After that, let PDFBear do all the work and convert your files for you. After the conversion is successful, simply download the converted file from PDFBear. As a bonus feature, your file will be deleted from PDFBear’s system in 60 minutes.
Compressing PDF files
PDF files are great ways to share documents and information; it is what they are made for. PDF files, however, can still get bulky. Having heavy PDF files can result from numerous things, such as multiple edits and adjustments done to the file. Fortunately, thanks to PDFBear, you can easily compress your PDF files, making them easier to share with everyone.
You must first select the file you wish to compress from your device to compress your PDF file. After this, you can choose the option that best suits you. Note that solid compression is available only to Pro users. After selecting your file and choosing your option, you just simply wait for PDFBear to compress the file for you. After compression is done, you can easily download the compressed file and use it as you wish.
Securing your PDF files with a Watermark
PDF files are used mainly for documents. Because they hold such an important purpose, it is important to show authentication in the said documents. Adding a watermark enables you to do exactly that. Watermarks are also important as protection against content fraud. Overall, watermarks are important for the security and safety of your valuable PDF files.
Adding a watermark using PDFBear is fast and simple. First, you simply select the file you wish to add a watermark to from your device. After this, you type a text you wish to make your watermark. Alternatively, you can also select an image to become your watermark. After selecting your watermark, you then select where on the PDF this watermark is to be placed. Then, apply the changes and download the newly edited PDF file.
Protecting your PDF files with a password
Want more protection with your PDF files? Then PDFBear has the next step for you. As the risks and dangers of not securing a PDF file are already mentioned, a watermark may feel lacking for some. Do not worry; PDFBear enables you to add a password to your PDF files. Adding a password makes sure that only the authorized can open your file.
Firstly, adding a password is simple; select or drag the file you wish to secure with a password. After this:
- Type a password you wish to use.
- After selecting your password, click on the “Encrypt PDF” button.
- Simply download your newly encrypted file.
- Don’t forget to share the password with those you wish to know the contents of your file.
As you can see, PDFBear has many features to make manipulating your PDF file easy. For example, with PDFBear, you can convert pdf files to other file formats, edit pdf files, and even secure them. So if you want to make your life easy, you should definitely use PDFBear.