Kanhaiyalal tailor was brutally murdered by slitting his throat after entering a shop in Udaipur, Rajasthan. Kanhaiyalal’s 8-year-old son had put a post on social media in support of Nupur Sharma. After this, two accused named Riyaz and Gos Mohammad entered Kanhaiyalal’s shop and killed him. Sensation has spread in the area due to this heart-wrenching incident. Section 144 has been imposed in entire Rajasthan. Internet shutdown orders have been issued. After the murder, Section 144 has been imposed in the entire state.
MP Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore said that looking at the poor actions taken by the state government of Rajasthan in the last three and a half years, it can be said that the state government is solely responsible for this terrorist attack.
The decisions of the Rajasthan government clearly show appeasement. Such incidents are happening time and again in Rajasthan. Such terrorist organizations are flourishing in Rajasthan. The present government of Rajasthan has left no stone unturned to encourage them.
राजस्थान में गहलोत सरकार की ‘तुष्टिकरण नीति’ उदयपुर जैसी घटनाओं के लिए पूरी तरह से जिम्मेदार हैं।
जब से यह सरकार आई है, असामाजिक तत्वों के हौंसले बुलंद हैं। अराजकता चरम पर है।
पिछले 6 माह में कोई ऐसा सप्ताह नहीं बीता होगा, जब राज्य में कहीं न कहीं जिहादी घटनाएं न हुई हों। pic.twitter.com/dHs7w1yQXh
— RajyavardhanRathore (@Ra_THORe) June 29, 2022
The decisions of the Rajasthan government clearly show appeasement.
राजस्थान के मुख्यमंत्री इस घटना को हत्या कहते हैं। क्या कोई हत्या का वीडियो बनाता है और उसे भड़काऊ बयान के साथ वायरल करता है? ये सामान्य बात नहीं है।
इस तरह की बर्बरता तो मजहबी उन्माद से भरा कोई खूंखार आतंकी ही कर सकता है। यह घटना समाज को आतंकित करने के लिए की गई कार्रवाई है। pic.twitter.com/6h6TOZCfbW
— RajyavardhanRathore (@Ra_THORe) June 29, 2022
This is not a single incident, many incidents are waiting to happen and the Rajasthan government is sitting with its hands tied only saving its chair. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot mentally lives in Delhi and due to internal tussle the public is suffering. When there is no law and order in Rajasthan, then such people are encouraged.
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